Have you found that thing that you care enough about to engage your energy, passion, and creativity?
If not don’t worry, it can still be found.
It took me years to find something that made me want to engage my creativity and strive to do more and better. I had lots of interests, but none of them pulled me in far enough to make it the thing I always wanted to do, and always come back to.
It could be anything. Artistic interests such as painting, drawing, quilting, woodworking, stone polishing, beading, writing, musical instruments are just a few possibilities.
But there is much more beyond the purely artistic like your professional interests, your relationships, and your life. These all need you to feel that spark too. When you feel the energy, you bring in more resources and you never get tired of working to improve.
It’s not always easy. I’ve had loads of bad days when things go wrong. But it’s worth it because it brings meaning and fulfillment.