Creative Summer Week 3 Doodling

Hello all!
I hope your summer of creativity is going well, and you are enjoying some great weather as well!

This week our creativity boosting idea comes in the form of doodling.

It’s a great little habit to have. It fills those idle moments with some easy, low stress creativity. The key is simple. Keep it simple and easy. No stress, pressure or self-criticism.

We often think of doodling as belonging only to the visual, but you can certainly make “doodles” with other types of expression like writing, music, cooking, sewing and on and on. Really doodles are just little ideas put down on paper or into form.

I like to think of doodles as a type of un-directed play or creative expression. They have no end goal in mind, instead they are the work of the moment. A release of creative energy and feeling. Doodling is just to do something that feels fun and interesting.

I also like to think of them as claimed bits of time. Like when you are on the phone or watching a show or feeling idle. Why not grab some paper and put down some marks or ideas for your next project?

These are some of my marker art doodles. They are simple, fun creative play. No real goal in mind, just play with shapes and colors. They will be collected into a spiral-bound book. I will keep on working on these slowly.

Take your camera out into the garden and take some photos of what you see that strikes you as interesting. I consider it type of easy, photographic doodles.