Showing 27 Result(s)

Overcoming a creative block

This is one of my largest painting I ever made. It’s about 4 feet wide.  At the time I made, I felt like it was a huge step above what I had made previously. To be honest, this painting set a block up for me.  As I mentioned, it a a big step forward. I …

Evolution vs Revolution

Often we want change and growth to be immediate, to come in great leaps and bounds. And to come without struggle and without taking risks. If it doesn’t come right away we tend to give up or jump to the next thing or we look for the quick fix. I’m certainly guilty of some of …

Pushing Forward

I’ve made a few changes to this site and shifted some content elsewhere so I can focus on what this site will be. I’ll be writing articles about creativity and art as I have started, and I will add a smattering of resources to help anyone making a new creativity business or looking to improve …

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