Fall Art Challenges

I’ve been a little quiet here lately! For two reasons. First I’ve been putting my creative and mental energy into working on my main site, The Floss Box where I have my embroidery and cross stitch pattern store. It needed some attention! Or a whole lot. It’s an ongoing project. Secondly I’ve been quietly absorbed …

Summer of Creativity 2021

The autumnal equinox is officially marking the end of our creative summer. It’s always sad to see the sun fading, taking it’s bright energy away for the next few months. It’s always good to take a few minutes and reflect on how things have gone. Take a look at where you were at the beginning …

Creative Summer Week 3

Welcome to Creative Summer Week 3! I hope this past week has been a creative week for you. This week we are continuing to build our habit, finding our way into the creative flow. It’s that place where you have pretty well established your habit, and now it’s just making sure to show up and …

Creative Summer Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of Creative Summer 2021! I hope this week finds you feeling creative and hopefully happy! This week we’ll be working on building the creative habit. I’m guessing that you’ve already heard it many times, how important it is to create a daily habit. And that even 5-10 minutes is a great …

Week 1 Progress

Hey everyone!I hope it’s been a creative week for you. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next week brings and where it takes us. I’m sharing my own progress for the week here. I’ve been playing with watercolor, threads and marker. I’ve been playing around this year with free watercolor ideas. They don’t need …

Creative Summer 2021 Week 1

Welcome to week 1 of Creative Summer 2021! This is a free 6-week program for anyone that wants to make sure to stay creative through the summer! Each week will have a different focus and ideas to help keep you going. This is designed to be more than just a pep-you-up program. Through the weeks …

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