I’ve made a few changes to this site and shifted some content elsewhere so I can focus on what this site will be. I’ll be writing articles about creativity and art as I have started, and I will add a smattering of resources to help anyone making a new creativity business or looking to improve what they have.
Mostly I am trying to share what I have learned and of course, pushing myself to learn more in order to help myself. We must push if we want progress in life, it doesn’t simply come from waiting around. And believe me, I have spent plenty of time waiting around without even being sure what it is I was waiting for. Really it comes down to the simple thing of deciding how it will be and making that happen.
So now to a couple paintings.. I love these European robins. I had never seen one before I came to Sweden. Now I love to hear them in the spring. Their song sounds so silvery. I made two versions, and acyrlic and a watercolor.
It’s been a long while since I did this type of painting, but I am easing back into doing more “realistic” painting, so I hope to have some more recent paintings soon!
Keep on creating!