Showing 5 Result(s)

Finding your Creative Edge

If you’re like me, you’re always searching for how you can build your creative muscle, to develop it and what you are able to do. I asked myself how do we find our creative edge and what do we do when we are there. I thought of this little exercise as a way to develop …

Steps to Developing Creative Thinking

Innovation and creativity are have benefits far beyond the artistic realm. They are repeatedly named as key skills essential for companies and their teams and leaders. Creativity in the group is still based on individuals being able to develop their creative skills. We need these skills today both in our lives and for the challenges …

Creativity and Connection

I came across an interesting article on Medium that had a list of things creative people do. You can read the full article here. Here is the list of the 18 things that all creative people do: Daydream Observe everything. Work the hours that work for them. Take time for solitude. Turn life’s obstacles around. …

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