Showing 7 Result(s)


I do quite a bit of fun, colorful painting. They aren’t so serious, and there is no particular goal than to just practice controlling the paints and brushes.. which I seem to need unending help with! But it’s all in good fun. 🙂  I believe in fun.  And I like making things that can bring …

Overcoming a creative block

This is one of my largest painting I ever made. It’s about 4 feet wide.  At the time I made, I felt like it was a huge step above what I had made previously. To be honest, this painting set a block up for me.  As I mentioned, it a a big step forward. I …

Tips for brainstorming

Do you love brainstorming? I really do. There is something so satisfying about coming up with a list of ideas. They each represent possible solutions or options or whatever it is you are working on. To me that act of giving yourself possibilities is a source of creative empowerment. I have tons of notebooks with …

Priming yourself for creativity

What if you could get yourself ready to be creative in order to get more out of your creative time? You can! It’s called priming. Many people use this and it’s a great boost for your creativity. A simple example There was a little test made to show how this works. Two groups of people …

8 things I have learned about creativity

I’ve summed up a few important lessons I have learned doing creative work. Creativity is personal Creativity is both something we feel in our minds and hearts, and something we do with our bodies to express ourselves. What it means to be creative and do creative work is unique to every person and that is …

Evolution vs Revolution

Often we want change and growth to be immediate, to come in great leaps and bounds. And to come without struggle and without taking risks. If it doesn’t come right away we tend to give up or jump to the next thing or we look for the quick fix. I’m certainly guilty of some of …

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